To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before – The Series.

WARNING: This contains minor spoilers. I have attempted to keep all information that I disclose in this piece just information that is readily available from the first few chapters of the book or from the movie trailer. I have been more careful than Lara Jean is when making chocolate chip cookies but read on at your own risk. 

As an adult that regularly reads young adult fiction I often feel ridiculous reading cheesy plots about high school romance. I have never felt more ridiculous until now because this series is cheesier than my famous four-cheese mac and cheese recipe that my mum requests once a week. I am an adult that wears corporate pencil skirts to work and during my hour-long commute I started listening to the audio books of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before series. A book series about a teenage girl who has written secret love letters to every boy she has ever had a crush on throughout her life and keeps the letters hidden in a teal hatbox. Then one day the letters get mysteriously sent to each and every boy. Honestly I feel second-hand embarrassment just even writing this. I mean the horror. 

Lara Jean Covey is secretly in love with her big sister’s boyfriend, her next-door neighbour Josh. Lara Jean would do anything to keep this secret hidden because nothing is more important to Lara Jean than her family. Lara Jean’s family consists of a kind father who works as an ob-gyn, a smart and serious older sister Margot and a hilarious and mischievous little sister Katherine or ‘Kitty’ as she is known to her family. Family means so much to Lara Jean maybe in part because her mother is no longer here, having died when she was still young. Losing such an important part of your family means you are suddenly very protective of the rest of the members. 

Lara Jean may not ever realise it but she is the coolest. If you have watched the Netflix’s movie you already know this. She loves baking cookies and wearing cute socks from Korea. Lara Jean is beautiful and stylish. She is full of quick wit and is unapologetic herself. It is not difficult to fall in love with Lara Jean even if she never realises how amazing she really is. A person who does in fact know exactly how cool he is is Peter Kavinsky, a recipient of one of Lara Jean’s letters. Peter is the most popular guy at school and has just broken up with his long-term girlfriend Genevieve when he receives the letter. Lara Jean explains what has happened and how desperate she is to keep from a confrontation with Josh. Peter decides it would be an excellent idea for Lara Jean to be his fake girlfriend to stop Josh from thinking Lara Jean has a crush on him and also there is the added bonus it will make Genevieve insanely jealous.  Honestly what could go wrong with this perfect lie? 

The movie is a masterpiece. I read the first book in the series and then immediately ran home to watch the movie. I watched the movie and when I finished I immediately started it again. I have lost count of how many times I have now watched the movie; I am not ashamed to admit this. The costumes are perfection and I am disappointed in myself for never being that stylish in high school. This movie deserves an Oscar for being so god damn adorable. There needs to be a new award category for adorable movies. The books are just as adorable. The end of the movie, while different to the end of the book, is a perfect way to introduce the second book. 



The Middle and The End. 

P.S I Still Love You.

At the end of the movie Kitty opens the door to John Ambrose McClaren, another recipient of Lara Jean’s love letters. The second book ‘P.S I still Love You’ has the introduction of John Ambrose McClaren who is about to play a major part in the story. I know you can see where this is going…we have a love triangle on our hands. This love triangle is going to be this generation’s Bella, Edward and Jacob. For what it’s worth I am #TeamJohn. Lara Jean met John Ambrose McClaren during model U.N when she was a young girl and they become pen pals after he receives her letter. John is smart, sweet and sensitive and these are all reasons I am Team John. The second book follows a group of friends as they embark on a game of tag to win a wish. This wish is to be granted from any of the other players and cannot be denied. Who will win the wish and who will win Lara Jean’s heart? 

What I love most about Lara Jean’s letters is that it is a way for her to truly express every emotion, thought and dream. She is so beautiful with her admiration and devotion. Her loyalty to her heart is always present.  The second book introduces us to new characters and forces the reader to revaluate their perception of Peter. Peter is flawed as everyone is but is it time we stop elevating the popular jock stereotype? Should the ‘shy nerd’ girl just be overjoyed to win the handsome prince? It is vital that we call out behaviour that is worrisome when teenage boys do not act with respect. Peter is caring and charming but he often acts out due to his insecurity and jealousy. We need to encourage confidence within teenage girls to speak up when they feel hurt, angry or disrespected. My main and maybe only criticism of this series is that Peter gets away with acting selfish and mean in small moments and it is never addressed. 

Always and Forever, Lara Jean.

Lara Jean is in her final year of high school with graduation looming she is unsure what path to take and deciding on a university is not the only difficult decision she has to undertake. Lara Jean is busy preparing for adult life and the rest of her family are busy preparing for the next stages of their lives as well. Her father has started dating their neighbour Tina and Margot is not handling this new development very well. Kitty is committed to training her puppy Jamie-Fox Pickle and being her usual awesome self.  This final chapter of the series wraps up the story of Lara Jean and Peter. 

A wonderful aspect of this series is the characters, they are filled with so much light and care so deeply for each other. As a big sister I understand the bond sisters do have and that deep unfailing loyalty sisters have to each other.  The Song Girls are the very best part of the entire series. The bonds of sisterhood are ever present throughout all the books. The love of family and the importance of accepting each family member for who they are is a wonderful message that comes across in every word written. Lara Jean has suffered great loss in her young life and this has made her protective of her heart as well as her loved ones. She is fearful about starting the next chapter of her life and leaving the safety of the familiar behind. I remember the last day of high school. High school was a terrible place for me yet I still burst into tears as I walked out of my final assembly. Moving on is always hard but we must never stop growing.

While this final book does proceed at a slower pace than the others it is only because the author is preparing for Lara Jean to walk out of our lives. Seeing her go off into the world you know she is going to be okay with or without Peter. Lara Jean will always be okay as long as she keeps writing love letters.  


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