Book Reviews : Liane Moriarty's Novels

If you are anything like me you are missing the television series Big Little Lies. Since there has been no official confirmation there will be a season three of the ground breaking show, I have found the best way to get my fix of drama…binge reading Liane Moriarty’s other books. When I walked into my local bookstore and I picked up the following three books the lovely girl at the check out said “Looks like you sure did love Big Little Lies .” I sure did and it will always be one of my most favourite books. For a review of Big Little Lies have a read of my pervious blog post but if you want to know if Liane Moritary can keep up the excellent plot twists in all her novels read below…. Spoiler, she can. 1. The Husband’s Secret If you’re looking for something similar to Big Little Lies filled with drama and twists then this should be your next read. It follows the stories of three women in Sydney, Australia who are all connecte...