Book Reviews: Evil Mothers

Happy Mother’s Day…Here is a collection of books about terrible mothers. I know it sounds kind of twisted to turn a holiday where we buy the important women in our lives an abundance of pyjamas into a celebration of thriller novels but I’m trying something different this year. I was thinking about this holiday and how there are children who are unlucky to be born into families that don’t protect them; instead their families are the very thing they need protection from. I was blessed with a mother who is practically perfect in every way; she is always sweet and hilarious. This is a woman who will go down a slide with her little dog on her lap, who will give me coffee in a travel mug at 6:00am and who treats my friends like they are her own children. The mothers in the following three books have nothing in common with my mother. The mothers at the focus of the novels in this collection go against nature. They do not have a desire to love the babies that depend on t...