Book Reviews : Young Adult Novels and Black Lives Matter.

My mum was taught to be afraid of the police. Whenever she saw a police officer come walking down the driveway my nanna would yell at my mum and her siblings to run and hide. Despite my great grand father being the first Aboriginal man to reach the rank of sergeant in the Australian NSW Police Force, my nanna would never trust his colleagues when they came to collect him for a case. My mum always laughs when she tells me it took her years to figure out why nanna would always tell her to run at the sight of a police officer. My mum is black. "It's your generation that is going to change things." - My Nanna. I've been pulled over a few times by the police... · Driving an unregistered car as a teen (Dad forgot to pay the bill.) · As a passenger for a speeding boyfriend ( Embarrassing I know.) · Once just because the police wanted to talk about my dad’s ugly car while I ...