Book Reviews : Books to read before you see the movie.

On January 23 rd I attended the Penguin Showcase in Sydney that featured the advance screening of Love Simon . I wrote my first blog post on my favourite LGBT+ protagonists and Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda is one of my most favourite novels. I know he’s fictional but Simon feels like a dear friend. The movie was honestly the funniest movie I have ever seen in my entire life and I still cried three times. It really felt like everyone who worked on the film gave it everything they had to make a beautiful movie that was true to the novel. I insist everyone goes and sees it when it hits cinemas this month. Here is a list of books that will also be hitting cinemas in 2018. It includes a beautiful love story featuring beautiful people, a lot of crazy wealthy Asian socialites attending a $40 million lavish wedding and a maybe demon possessing the bodies of 16 year olds. I also included a review of a book that was being produced into a movie bu...