Book Reviews : Four novels focusing on illness

We see people for who they truly are when faced with their greatest challenge in life. Our health and that of our loved ones is precious and can change drastically at any moment. When young people become seriously ill it is tragic and because of this young adult literature has a long history of romaticising illness. From that large collection I have constructed my most memorable selection of young-adult novels centered on illness. Feel free to read on, there are no spoilers here. 1. Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. This novel is simply everything. It was a gift from my dear friend Caitlin and man does she know the kind of books I fall in love with. This novel shows the world of eighteen-year-old Maddy. Maddy's world is her house and she has never left it. Maddy suffers from a Severe Combined Immunodeficiency. Maddy is basically allergic to the outside world and would die if she walked outside where at any moment she could catch an infection. While ...